Instrumentation and control engineering for industry and agriculture


In order to monitor the values ​​of your stations and soil moisture, you also need access with software.
You can use our web application MeteoWeb with a browser on a variety of devices (PC, SmartTV, tablet, etc.).
An app is also available for smartphones (Android and iOS) in the respective store (Apple AppStore or Google PlayStore).


SmartMeteo (Android und iOs)


SmartMeteo can be purchased separately. It makes monitoring the stations on your smartphone much easier

In addition, an alarm with upper and lower limits can be set on many sensors; you will receive the alarm as a push notification on your smartphone!

MeteoWeb (for Browser)

You can use MeteoWeb with many devices directly in your browser.

A current overview on a map shows several stations and their values ​​at the same time!

Graphics can be precisely enlarged with the mouse and even more details are displayed when you hover over the values!


Prospekt App- & Webapplication for Soilhumidity and Meteostations